Wednesday 14 April 2010

Evaluation Question 7.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
From the beginning of the task all the way up to this point I have learnt a great deal regarding camera work, editing, technique and continuity. Although he concept of the continuity task is easy to grasp, our group had to re-film our continuity exercise because one of the three tapes we used vanished when we came to edit it. Although this put us behind the other groups, we continued filming and managed to learn a lot more about continuity on our own. In the continuity exercise we included an 180 degree rule, match on action(which was used in our main task) and a shot/reverse shot. . This made us think about the Mise en scene as well for example shadows from the harsh classroom lighting, tripods in the shot and other belongings.After losing one of the tapes from our first continuity task, we took great care of the tapes, camera, props, tripod ETC in the main task and no mistakes were made. Our knowledge of continuity made sure we used the same props and costumes throughout the opening of our main task. Although we experimented with camera shots and editing in the main task, we made sure that the little dialogue we used in the opening was in time by using one continuous shot.
From the preliminary task we learned more about how not to use just any old shot to try and make it look interesting, but to use the camera and different techniques to our advantage and therefore achieve realism. One of the ways we did so was by using hand-held camera shots. this was useful when our main character was skateboarding because it gave the audience the sense of what he is doing and giving them an onlookers approach. We used quite a few high angle shots within the sequence to give the audience yet another way of looking at the characters with a birds eye view.> We also used alot of panning movements to give the audience a look at the setting and what kind of areas they might recognise in other parts of a full film. Pans also showed the typical generic convention of urban locations. We also used our knowledge of the effects in subtle changes to camera angle. If there is a low angle the character/ seem more powerful and significant. If a high angle is used then the character/s seem less powerful and insignificant.
From doing the first continuity task we went straight onto editing for ourselves and although we were shown the basics on how to edit on iMovie, we learnt how to put the whole film together within our group by copying each take so none of our material was lost, adding music and titles, deleting clips and cropping clips. All of this is second nature to us now and we feel confident in editing material in the future.

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